What are the Goals of the Select Program?
The Lady Jays Select Program offers players the opportunity to:
– Develop deeper game knowledge and position specific skills
– Represent Lady Jays at tournaments across southern Ontario (mostly in the GTA area)
Play More Competitive Softball
Select Teams represent Lady Jays in exhibition games and tournaments (typically 1-day). Only those players who are registered in the house league program are permitted to try out for a select team. Player commitment will involve one extra practice or exhibition game per week and 3 to 4 tournaments throughout the summer, plus the Provincial tournament held in late August. Teams may elect to stay overnight for out of town tournaments depending on the distance. We carefully screens all qualified coach candidates to ensure the best qualified individual is selected. Fees associated with the Select Program are in addition to House League fees and based on the number of tournaments entered. Participation in the Select Program will NOT result in any conflicts with the House League teams schedule (i.e. players will not miss HL games or practices>house league games or events.